How to write a excellent essay
Monday, August 24, 2020
Peruse the administration Focus on Cemex and afterward answer the accompanying inquiry: a. Which hypothetical clarification, or clarifications, of FDI best clarifies Cemex’s FDI? b. What worth does Cemex bring to a host economy? Would you be able to perceive any potential downsides of Cemex’s internal interest in an economy? c. Cemex has a solid inclination for procurement over greenfield adventures as a passage mode. Why? d. For what reason do you think Cemex chose to leave Indonesia in the wake of neglecting to oversee Semen Gresik? For what reason is lion's share control so essential to Cemex? e.Why do you think legislators in Indonesia attempted to square Cemex’s endeavor to deal with Semen Gresik? Do you think Indonesia’s eventual benefits were served by restricting Cemex’s FDI in the nation? Answer: a. The hypothesis that best clarifies Cemex’s remote direct venture (FDI) movement is that of disguise because of impediments of permitting or otherwise called the market defect approach. Cemex needed to grow on a level plane since it needed to lessen its dependence on its home market and give some solidness in the interest for their product.Also, they saw openings abroad and it could offer their assistance, which required structure individual associations with the wholesalers and the developers themselves. In conclusion they had invested a great deal of energy taking a shot at their data innovation framework that permitted them to control their gracefully and it was a piece of their upper hand. Because of their special plan of action, they would not have the option to get a similar incentive by permitting their business in this way they needed to disguise the business abroad and legitimately set up business abroad. b.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Reaching Adulthood Completing Human Developmental Stages Free Essays
The human advancement is an extremely perplexing yet captivating piece of our lives. We glance back at the point we previously recalled how youthful we were, the things we did that were so not quite the same as the things we do today. As a rule, we underestimate the phases where noteworthy measure of changes that molded us occurred. We will compose a custom article test on Arriving at Adulthood: Completing Human Developmental Stages or on the other hand any comparative theme just for you Request Now Our early stages and pre-school years show a lot of our prior perspectives and practices which became established as we become more established. Our condition assumed such a critical job in making us the manner in which we are today. As I have referenced in the main venture, we comprehend our being a male or a female when we understand the jobs and exercises connected to one’s sexual orientation. Indeed, even our folks direct how we should act or what toy to play and we get rebuffed by defying them. Furthermore, at this stage we build up an idea of what makes us cheerful or tragic, we can adjust to our condition and we abstain from doing things that would result to an ominous outcome. These things we experience during our prior years further affect the following phase of our lives. What we got a kick out of the chance to do, how well we can adjust to others, how we carry on or follow up on presentation to an improvement and so on proceed in our center youth and puberty years. The center youth sets us up for what we will look in our immaturity years, a similar way our early stages and pre-school years set us up for the later years. During our center youth and pre-adulthood, we are pushed into a lot of changes, regardless of whether intellectually, genuinely, socially and inwardly. We like to be free and to leave the familial circle that encompassed us when we were youthful. As far as I can tell, it was this time when I began making companions in school and in my neighborhood. I could likewise confront others who were not my age. This stage denotes the enlivening of subjective and enthusiastic parts of one individual. We figure out how to pass judgment on the individuals around us, to be interested of the things which we can only with significant effort comprehend, to feel various feelings that appeared to be so new. The incalculable and different encounters we experience during this stage further sharpen, change, impact or effect the manner in which we are. They make our character exceptional, shape our conduct and perspectives and build up our abilities. All that we have learned we apply to our current lives. Our early stages and pre-school years show a lot of our prior mentalities and practices which became established as we become more seasoned. Our condition assumed such a critical job in making us the manner in which we are today. As I have referenced in the primary venture, we comprehend our being a male or a female when we understand the jobs and exercises connected to one’s sexual orientation. Indeed, even our folks direct how we should act or what toy to play and we get rebuffed by resisting them. Also, at this stage we build up an idea of what makes us upbeat or tragic, we can adjust to our condition and we abstain from doing things that would result to an ominous outcome. These things we experience during our previous years further affect the following phase of our lives. What we got a kick out of the chance to do, how well we can adjust to others, how we carry on or follow up on introduction to a boost and so on proceed in our center youth and immaturity years. The center youth sets us up for what we will look in our puberty years, a similar way our outset and pre-school years set us up for the later years. During our center youth and puberty, we are pushed into a lot of changes, regardless of whether intellectually, truly, socially and inwardly. We like to be free and to leave the familial circle that encompassed us when we were youthful. As far as I can tell, it was this time when I began making companions in school and in my neighborhood. I could likewise confront others who were not my age. This stage denotes the enlivening of subjective and enthusiastic parts of one individual. We figure out how to pass judgment on the individuals around us, to be interested of the things which we can only with significant effort comprehend, to feel various feelings that appeared to be so new and to attempt things which provoke our interest. My interview’s specific experience shows this. He began utilizing precluded drugs during his puberty. This sort of deed roots from numerous variables, for example, family issues, feeling of inadequacy or social situation. Dale says that the entirety of his family’s consideration was on his more youthful sister, Mikaela. Regardless of how much good he does, his family doesn’t appear to take note. So what he did was include himself in things that would push him into difficulty, if just to stand out enough to be noticed. The endless and different encounters we experience during this stage further sharpen, change, impact or effect the manner in which we are. They make our character extraordinary, shape our conduct and perspectives and build up our aptitudes. All that we have learned we apply to our current lives. Changes and wonder in center youth, as noted in my first task, are venturing stones for the puberty; changes and marvel in immaturity, as noted in my subsequent undertaking, are groundwork for adulthood. Adulthood Adulthood is an unsafe and troublesome excursion for some individuals to take, and not only a goal of security and wellbeing that we reach for the last time. It is a reference point from which other life stages are judged. The encounters which became engraved in our recollections and the self convictions and social measures that we include shaped inside ourselves influence us in our current activities and how we see ourselves. In any case, these convictions and gauges change when we are presented to various improvements or circumstance. At this stage, I would already be able to anticipate my own future, in what is called self-construction. These are the layouts of our future, and they mention to us what we can be following quite a while, what our profession would be and so forth. In any case, I ask myself, what will I be truly in the following years? Since I would not have the option to respond to this inquiry, I have talked with Emelita Sacra, a 49-year-old single parent and as of now taking over as line pioneer and quality control official in an article of clothing partnership. She was isolated from her better half, yet she figures out how to bring up her little girl well. Emelita used to fantasy about completing simply secondary school, since her family’s wellspring of business is scarcely enough for the 11 individuals from the family. She concentrated hard and in the long run earned a grant, her pass to school. However, her fantasy blurred when she decided to help her folks in meeting the family’s needs.â She had the option to send two of her kin to school, and that was sufficient for her regardless of whether she had relinquished her own fantasy. This shows what she urgently needed before was set aside by the development of a progressively significant circumstance. She said that however there were numerous occasions throughout her life which influenced her, lone scarcely any qualities and interests changed. Some of which were the natural things she needed previously, for example, garments, beauty care products and recreation minutes. Be that as it may, presently, these things became insignificant in light of the fact that her little girl turned into her need. Her circumstance presently is a long ways from her circumstance previously. Since her little girl is in school, she needs to try sincerely and limit the extravagances of life. Each extra time was spent doing additional attempts to have the option to accommodate her lone kid. At the point when she was a young person, all that made a difference was helping her family to acquire cash and send the kids to class. Presently, what is important is bringing up her girl well and giving her instruction. This disposition is better clarified by Jean Piaget’s generativity, wherein Emelita thinks about the fate of her girl rather than her own life. Emelita says that the qualities she gained from her more youthful years didn’t change a lot. With regards to the ethical angle, not all that much, however a few things were included. She ingrained to her little girl the virtues her folks instructed her. Essentially, when we arrive at the adulthood stage, as I saw my interviewee, there are changes in our self idea. For instance, we may have low self viability previously, which is our ability in achieving things. But since we have experienced numerous things, and we had the option to bear the torments and issues of life, we have expanded our self viability considering the way that we are more seasoned than previously, we could deal with and improve now. Another case of self idea that had changed during our adulthood years is the mindfulness. Grown-ups will in general be increasingly engaged and know about their duties at their age. For instance, my interviewee got mindful of her job as a mother and father exclusively to her girl. Beside that, she likewise got mindful of her needs in the here and now thought about previously. Now throughout everyday life, the vast majority have become developed, with regards to how they should act, how they ought to be, and what they ought to do. For the most part, loads of things have made their commitment to every one of stages throughout everyday life. A few factors that may influence every life stage are inborn and quality factor. Organically, this could truly occur, with the end goal that our conduct and character could be credited to the inborn possibilities of ourselves. Nonetheless, we were unable to deny the way that the condition that we are living in has contributed large changes in our lives, however more explicitly, in ourselves. Those outside components are the ones we experience during our early stages stage to youth, at that point youthfulness stage, and in conclusion adulthood stage. The occasions in our regular daily existences have effects with the end goal that, we don't know that those occasions formed us into what are presently, and what we will be sooner rather than later. Along these lines, the human advancement is a horrendous way, on the off chance that we will think about all the subtleties. However, we could state that human improvement resembles a transform procedure of butterfly. The main contrast is that, the butterfly would without a doubt fly on the off chance that it comes out from the pupae, however each
Saturday, July 18, 2020
What Serotonin Is and How It Regulates Body Functions
What Serotonin Is and How It Regulates Body Functions Theories Biological Psychology Print How Serotonin Regulates Body Functions By Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and associate professor of psychology at Eastern Connecticut State University. Learn about our editorial policy Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Daniel B. Block, MD on January 27, 2020 twitter linkedin Daniel B. Block, MD, is an award-winning, board-certified psychiatrist who operates a private practice in Pennsylvania. Learn about our Medical Review Board Daniel B. Block, MD Updated on February 10, 2020 Jamie Garbutt / Getty Images More in Theories Biological Psychology Behavioral Psychology Cognitive Psychology Developmental Psychology Personality Psychology Social Psychology Psychosocial Psychology Serotonin (sometimes called 5-HT because of its chemical name, 5-hydroxytryptamine) is a substance that occurs naturally in your body. As a neurotransmitter, serotonin carries signals along and between nerve cells (called neurons). It’s found mainly in your intestines but also in your central nervous system (CNS), which includes your brain and your blood platelets. What Serotonin Does in Your Body Serotonin appears to affect and/or regulate a number of body functions, including the following. Mood You could think of serotonins effects in your brain as its “starring role†in your body. Widely known for playing a major part in regulating moods, serotonin has been called the bodys natural feel-good chemical, because its involved in your sense of well-being. Digestion Serotonin plays a role in your bowel function as well as in reducing your appetite as you eat. In addition, your intestines produce more serotonin if you eat something that’s irritating or toxic to your digestive system. The extra serotonin helps move the affected food along so it’s expelled from your body more quickly. Blood Clotting The platelet cells in your blood release serotonin when you have any kind of tissue damage, such as a cut. This results in vasoconstrictionâ€"a narrowing of the tiny arteries, or arterioles, in your circulatory systemâ€"which slows your blood flow as part of the blood-clotting process. Bone Density Studies have shown that bone density and serotonin are linkedâ€"specifically, high circulating levels of serotonin in the gut may be associated with osteoporosis. In fact, research suggests that antidepressants, specifically selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are associated with decreased bone mineral density and increased fracture risk. This isnt a reason to stop taking your SSRI, but rather, to have a conversation with your physician, especially if you have other risk factors, such as existing osteoporosis, a family history, or you smoke. Sexual Function The increase in sexual desire that can accompany alcohol intoxication is believed to be due to low serotonin levels. On the other hand, decreased sexual desire can occur in people taking medications that produce higher-than-normal serotonin levels. However, that’s only true when your serotonin level is within the normal range. What happens when it’s low? Perhaps the best-known condition believed to be associated with low serotonin levels is depression. Not surprisingly, increasing serotonin levels with medication has become a major part of depression treatment. What Causes Low Serotonin While there’s no one cause of low serotonin levels, it’s typically one of two reasons: your body doesn’t produce enough, or your body isnt using it efficiently, which can be due to having fewer or faulty serotonin receptors or breaking down and absorbing serotonin too quickly. Nutritional and vitamin deficiencies may also play a part. Low levels of vitamin B6 and vitamin D have also been linked to low levels of serotonin. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that must be obtained through the diet in order to produce serotonin. What Does Low Serotonin Feel Like? Medications for Depression That Affect Serotonin Depression is associated with chemical imbalances in the brain, including low levels of serotonin (among others). Increasing the amount of serotonin in the brain appears to help brain cells communicate, which has the effect of reducing depression symptoms and improving mood. This finding is the basis for many drugs used in the treatment of clinical depression and other mood disorders. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) One group of serotonin-based medications called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) is used to reduce the symptoms of moderate to severe depression by increasing the level of serotonin in the brain. SSRIs are the most commonly prescribed antidepressants worldwide. When your brain cells send signals, they release neurotransmitters like serotonin. To send the next signal, your cells must reabsorb and recycle the neurotransmitter they released in a process called reuptake. SSRIs help make more serotonin available in the brain by blocking that reuptake process. Examples of SSRIs include: Prozac (fluoxetine)Paxil (paroxetine)Zoloft (sertraline)Celexa (citalopram)Luvox (fluvoxamine)Lexapro (escitalopram)Viibryd (vilazodone) Viibryd is NOT just an SSRI, but also a 5HT-1a partial agonist so it is not classified as purely an SSRI Trintellix is a similar drug. Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs) Another group of serotonin-based medications for treating depression are known as serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs). They work similarly to SSRIs in that they block the reuptake of serotonin, but they also work on norepinephrine, another neurotransmitter implicated in mood. As such, they are sometimes referred to as “dual-acting antidepressants.†Examples of SNRIs include: Effexor (venlafaxine)Cymbalta (duloxetine)Pristiq (desvenlafaxine)Fetzima (levomilnacipran) Tricyclics (TCAs) and Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs) Two older types of antidepressants, tricyclics (TCAs) and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), also affect serotonin levels. However, they are prescribed less often today because their side effects are more problematic than those of SSRIs and SNRIs. TCAs appear to block the reabsorption of serotonin and epinephrine which effectively increases the amounts available in the brain. Examples of TCAs include: Elavil (amitriptyline)Norpramin (desipramine)Asendin (amoxapine)Anafranil (clomipramine)Pamelor (nortriptyline)Tofranil (imipramine)Vivactil (protriptyline)Surmontil (trimipramine)Sinequan (doxepin) MAOIs, on the other hand, block the effects of the monoamine oxidase enzyme which breaks down serotonin, epinephrine, and dopamine. By stopping the enzyme from breaking these neurotransmitters down, it effectively increases the amount available in the brain. Examples of MAOIs include: Marplan (isocarboxazid)Parnate (tranylcypromine)Nardil (phenelzine)Azilect (rasagiline)Emsam (selegiline) How to Increase Serotonin Naturally These medications aren’t the only way to increase available serotonin. In fact, there are many ways to boost your levels naturally. Your Diet Many of the foods we eat naturally contain serotonin or other key nutrients, including tryptophan, vitamin B6, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids, which the body needs to produce the neurotransmitter. A few good sources include: BananasTurkeyEggsOily, fatty, fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel) Nuts and seeds (walnuts and flaxseed)Beans (chickpeas, kidney, pinto, black beans)Leafy greens (spinach or kale)Probiotic/fermented foods (kefir, yogurt, tofu) Eating a high fiber diet rich in vegetables and fruit can also help. These foods will help keep your friendly gut bacteria healthy, which in turn, can help boost serotonin levels in the body. 7 Foods That Improve Mood and Fight Depression Light Exposure Insufficient exposure to sunlight has also been associated with low levels of serotonin, which is why some people experience seasonal affective disorder (SAD) during the shorter, darker days of fall and winter. While light therapy is an option (particularly in areas with little to no sunlight), you can also spend 10 to 15 minutes outside in the sunlight each day. Doing so will work double-duty: Youll also get a boost of vitamin D, which plays a key role in serotonin production. Exercise Regular exercise has been proven to boost serotonin in your brain, and some say it works just as well as serotonin-based medications. How much and which type works best? The Department of Health and Human Services recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio exercise each week plus two days of strength training exercises for all adults. Its most important that you pick something you enjoy, so youre more apt to stick with it. Best Forms of Exercise to Improve Mood Massage Massage therapy has increasingly been used in the treatment of depression. This is because massage has been found to promote the release of serotonin and decrease the stress hormone cortisol. And you might not need a professional massage to reap the benefits. In a commonly cited study of pregnant women with depression published in the International Journal of Neuroscience, two 20-minute massage sessions given by their partners increased serotonin by 28% and dopamine by 31%. Supplements Research has found that people with low serotonin also have deficiencies in some nutrients, so you might consider supplementation: Pure tryptophanSAMe (S-adenosyl-L-methionine)5-HTPSt. Johns wortProbiotics Always talk to your doctor before taking any medication, supplement, or herbal remedy to treat low serotonin. Some medications and supplements can cause your serotonin levels to get too high, which can result in serotonin syndrome, also known as serotonin toxicity. Symptoms of serotonin syndrome can range from unpleasant to life-threating. If you or a loved one experiences severe symptoms of serotonin syndrome, including sudden swings in blood pressure, seizures, or losing consciousness, call 911 or head to the emergency room.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Business Plan For My Small Business - 2600 Words
This is a business plan for my small business called ‘ Molecule, The Modern Patisserie’. Molecule is a patisserie that has a combination of classic patisserie and a modern patisserie. The patisserie combines the techniques of classic techniques with modern methods, today’s culinary experience is all about preservation and knowledge and that what Molecule is all about. The Business plan will show Molecules mission statement, the tools that we will use, the competitive advantage to our competitors, the competitive market, the Marketing program and evaluation and control of the business. Mission Statement: ‘Molecule, The Modern Patisserie’ the idea behind Molecule was to revolutionize modern patisserie using modern techniques with classic recipes. Molecule is a patisserie that runs like any kitchen, but with desserts, we want to bring the customers closer to their desserts as to show them what goes into making these extraordinary items. People often get scared when they hear ingredients with big names or names that they cannot pronounce and that turns them off to trying and experimenting with these, but Molecule hopes to break this gap and create a bring. Molecules design is set up to create a relationship between the Chefs and the customer, a see through glass window from where customers can peep through and see what’s being done and how they are being done and the intricate details that goes into making of certain things. Molecule brings a combination of science and artShow MoreRelatedThe Key Elements Of A Successful Business1423 Words  | 6 Pagesto do my res earch in small business. I want to know what it takes to build a successful business. What are the skills needed to start a new business? What are some of the steps to building a business model and plan? I am working on getting my degree in business. 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Good Will Hunting Character Analysis Free Essays
string(115) " When an individual hears a song on the radio that they have never heard before, it makes sense to the individual\." Introduction Social- Cognitive theory believes that humans are individuals who are capable of proactively making things happen to assist in their own development (Parajes, 2002). In Good Will Hunting, Will Hunting did not believe that he was able to make a positive change in his life. Will is a prodigy, particularly in mathematics, who did not recognize his gift. We will write a custom essay sample on Good Will Hunting Character Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now He was born and raised in the slums, where he is now comfortable. He was abandoned by his parents and in and out of numerous foster homes. He experienced abuse and neglect in these homes. He was not only physically abused but also mentally and psychologically. His ability to solve complicated mathematical equations caught the eye of a professor at the university where Will was employed. These equations had taken geniuses years to solve. The professor immediately took a liking to Will and desired to help him see his worth. He wanted Will to move forward in life. Will was not interested. His past failures influenced his decisions (Pajares, 2002). After seeing that Will was not at all interested, the professor seeked the help of his friend, a therapist. The therapist used empathy to assists Will. Wills view on life was negative. He does not feel he deserves a better life. His therapist helped him develop ways to change his behavioral pattern (Glanz, Rimer Lewis, 2005). †¢Section 1: Character Personality Matrix †¢Theory †¢Major Components Structure Process Growth and Development Psychopathology Change 1. Social-Cognitive Theory In Social-Cognitive theory the mind contains schemas. Schemas are â€Å"preexisting ideas in the mind†(Pervin, Cervone Oliver, 2005). We use schemas to make sense of the chaos around us (Pervin et. al, 2005). In Good Will Hunting, Will Hunting was abused and endured a hard life. His knowledge kept him and helped him make sense of his crazy world. He secretly answers difficult math problems at MIT, where he works as a janitor. He demonstrates many different schemas. Will Hunting has a negative self-schema. He believes he is worthless and deserves nothing better than the â€Å"southie†life he has. He is extremely intelligent, which could take him to greater places in life, but he doesn’t feel he deserves it. He is scared of change and feels more comfortable in the world he grew up in. Will meets a girl who he falls in love with but will not allow himself to show her how he feels. He didn’t want to accept her love for him because he felt he did not deserve it. Self-discrepancies have to be resolved to avoid conflict in one’s self (Higgins, 1999). Growth and development occurs through observing and direct experience. Will was in need of therapy. He met with many therapists who were not able to connect with him. The choice of therapy used by these therapists was not effective. Will’s issues stemmed from â€Å"distorted, incorrect and maladaptive cognitions concerning the self, others and events in the world†(Pervin et. al, p. 322, 2005). The one therapist that was able to eventually connect with Will was able to help him replace his maladaptive cognitions with realistic thoughts. This therapy is called Rational emotive-therapy (RET). Will was asked how he felt about different situations and what he said to himself. Cognitive Therapy was also used. Will’s therapist told him about his relationship with his wife and the positive outcome of letting go and falling in love. This was something that Will was not accustomed to. Will was able to make changes in his life with the help of his therapy. He finally realized that he did not have to remain in the situation he was in. He finally accepted the fact that the negative things that affected his life were not his fault. In the end he accepted the love of a woman by leaving his hometown and following her to an unfamiliar place. He also now had the confidence to take on whatever employment or career that would come his way. 2. Rogers’ Theory Rogers’ phenomenological theory states that an individual tries to behave in the way that is consistent with their own structure (Pervin et. al, 2005). Will sees himself as a â€Å"southie†, a loser. To maintain congruence between his self-view and his experiences his acts out. He starts fights and stays in trouble. He doesn’t seek anything better for himself. In Rogers’ theory an individual strives for self-actualization. Will is brilliant and has knowledge about many topics. He reads a lot to keep himself knowledgeable. He answers difficult math problems that are put on a board at MIT, where he works as a janitor. In trying to maintain congruence between his self-view and his experiences he does not trust anyone. When someone tries to get close and help him he denies needing help. Will is defensive towards everyone he comes in contact with. He experiences incongruence with his cockiness of being smarter than most but he doesn’t feel he deserves better than living as a nobody. Will’s ability to push all his therapists and his girlfriend away shows his defensiveness. He keeps this tough boy attitude to make others not want to care about him because no one ever has. Rogers’ pathology includes defensive maintenance of self (Pervin et al. , 2005). Will’s therapist was concerned about Will and took an â€Å"active role in understanding the experiences of the client†(Pervin et al, p. 198, 2005). This therapy is called Client-Centered Therapy. The therapist doesn’t try to change Will but accepts him as he is. Will eventually changes by embracing his new found relationship with his girlfriend and realizes his potential. Section 2: Application of Personality Theory †¢Theory Description and Rationale Social-Cognitive Theory (SCT) is the theory that describes hoe behavior is learned. SCT helps to determine how and why an individual behaves and thinks a certain way. The main idea of social-cognitive theory is that everyone deve lops their own schemas based on their experiences in life. â€Å"Schemas are knowledge structures that guide and organize the processing of information†(Capuzzi Gross, 2005). When an individual hears a song on the radio that they have never heard before, it makes sense to the individual. You read "Good Will Hunting Character Analysis" in category "Essay examples" The individual has developed schemas has to how the music is supposed to sound (Pervin, Cervone John, 2005). We use schemas to make sense of our chaotic environment. In Good Will Hunting, the character Will Hunting came from a difficult and harsh environment. He lived his life based on these experiences. †¢Character Description Will Hunting is a young man who grew up in the slums of Boston. He went from foster home to foster home. In these homes he was abused and mistreated. He hung out with his closest friends, who are all trouble makers, below average knuckleheads. Yet, they were true and loyal to each other. Will, on the other hand, was a genius, a prodigy of math. He was determined not to let this side of him show. He stayed in and out of trouble with the law. He had no faith in himself. He possessed low self-efficacy, â€Å"a construct that reflects optimistic self- beliefs†(Lippke, Wiedemann, Ziegelman, Reuter Schwarzer, 2009, p. 522). He believed that the deprived life he lived was all he was worthy of. He purposely destroyed his relationship with his girlfriend once he felt her love for him. He thought himself to be unworthy of it. He developed a negative self- schema. †¢Character Analysis †¢Structure In Social-Cognitive theory the mind contains schemas. Schemas are â€Å"preexisting ideas in the mind†(Pervin, Cervone Oliver, 2005). We use schemas to make sense of the chaos around us (Pervin et. al, 2005). In Good Will Hunting, Will Hunting was abused and endured a hard life. His knowledge kept him and helped him make sense of his crazy world. He secretly answers difficult math problems at MIT, where he works as a janitor. He demonstrates many different schemas. †¢Process Will Hunting has a negative self-schema. He believes he is worthless and deserves nothing better than the â€Å"southie†life he has. He is extremely intelligent, which could take him to greater places in life, but he doesn’t feel he deserves it. He is scared of change and feels more comfortable in the world he grew up in. Will meets a girl who he falls in love with but will not allow himself to show her how he feels. He didn’t want to accept her love for him because he felt he did not deserve it. Self-discrepancies have to be resolved to avoid conflict in one’s self (Higgins, 1999). †¢Growth and Development Growth and development occurs through observing and direct experience. Examining how an individual views life will assist in the development. Determining why an individual behaves a certain way is necessary. The causes of events are called attributions, which involve a casual factor responsible for an observed event (Pervin et al. , 2005). Will constantly heard what a failure he was. It’s no surprise that he would believe that to be true. Will’s therapist tries to reverse the misconception. He constantly told Will how bright he was and how much he could achieve. Will could either change his thoughts of himself based on this new or continue to believe what he’s been told all his life. †¢Psychopathology Will was in need of therapy. He met with many therapists who were not able to connect with him. The choice of therapy used by these therapists was not effective. Will’s issues stemmed from â€Å"distorted, incorrect and maladaptive cognitions concerning the self, others and events in the world†(Pervin et. al, p. 322, 2005). The one therapist that was able to eventually connect with Will was able to help him replace his maladaptive cognitions with realistic thoughts (Corey Corey, 2007). This therapy is called rational emotive-therapy (RET). Will was asked how he felt about different situations and what he said to himself. Cognitive Therapy was also used. Will’s therapist told him about his relationship with his wife and the positive outcome of letting go and falling in love. This was something that Will was not accustomed to. †¢Change Will was able to make changes in his life with the help of his therapy. He finally realized that he did not have to remain in the situation he was in. He finally accepted the fact that the negative things that affected his life were not his fault. In the end he accepted the love of a woman by leaving his hometown and following her to an unfamiliar place. He also now had the confidence to take on whatever employment or career that would come his way. His expectations for himself were now higher. He was able to move forward and make positive changes in his life. †¢Internal and External Factors Internal and external factors shaped Will’s personality. He felt unwanted, unloved and abandoned due to not being raised by his own family. He went from foster home to foster home being abused in each one. He did not know how to love or how to receive it because love was never shown to him. These factors made him the young man he was. Will did not recognize his potential. According to Bandura (1997) people base their actions and level of motivation on what they tend to believe and not on what is true. The positive feedback and encouragement from Will’s therapist helped Will make a positive change. He constantly expressed to Will that he was worthy of having a good life and being loved. His best friend even tells him that he better not still be a â€Å"southie†fifty years from now. He let Will know that he saw the potential in him. Eventually Will made a break through after being told that everything negative that happened in his life was not his fault. He was able to embrace the positive things that were waiting for him. †¢Conclusion Use the BodyText Double style to type text in the conclusion. †¢Reference List Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: the exercise of control. New York: W. H. Freeman Pervin, L. A. , Cervone, D. , John, O. (2005). CST5214: Theories of personality (Custom). NY: Wiley. Pajares (2002). Overview of social cognitive theory and of self-efficacy. Retreived December 13, 2010, from http://www. emory. edu/EDUCATION/mfp/eff. html Glanz, K. , Rimer, B. K. Lewis, F. M. (2002). Health Behavior and Health Education. Theory, Research and Practice. San Francisco: Wiley Sons. Lippke, S. , Wiedemann, A. , Ziegelmann, J. , Reuter, T. Schwarzer, R. (2009). Self-Efficacy Moderates the mediation of intentions into behavior via plans. Ameriacn Journal of Health Behavior, 33(5), 521-529. Higgins, E. T. (1999). Persons or situations: Unique explanatory principles or variability in general principles? In D. Cervone Y. Shoda (Eds. ), the coherence of personality: Social-cognitive bases of consistency, variability, and organization (pp. 61-93). New York, NY, US: The Guilford Press Corey, M. Corey, G. (2007). Becoming a Helper 5th ed. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole. How to cite Good Will Hunting Character Analysis, Essay examples
Saturday, April 25, 2020
The design and implementation of sets of strategic human resource practices continues to lack coherence and consistency
Strategic human resource management and the concept of fit Strategic human resource management largely deals with how human resource needs can be strategically managed in an organisation in order to improve work output. It is a rather new approach and concept towards the management of human resource in comparison to technical human resource management (Fey Bjorkman, 2001).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The design and implementation of sets of ‘strategic’ human resource practices continues to lack coherence and consistency specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In addition, the basic function of strategic human resource management lies within the designation and implementation of quite a number of managerial policies within an organisation with a broad objective of ensuring that the available human resource management significantly contributes to the productivity of an organisation. When business strateg y is combined with the human resource management function, strategic human resource management would reflect a relatively resilient plan of not only utilizing human resource to the optimum but also driving an organisation towards a competitive edge. Nonetheless, a thorough understanding of strategic human resource management would not be complete unless the right application of the concept of fit is correctly applied. The concept of fit is primarily the process of melding the human resource function within the strategic goals of an organisation (Wei Lau, 2005). There are quite a number of conceptual illustrations that have demonstrated that the design and implementation of sets of strategic human resource practices may not be coherent at all owing to the fact that the concept of ‘fit’ has not been understood well. Realistically, the concept of fit and the strategic human resource management lays much emphasis in improving the capacity of a firm in responding to the ext ernal factors especially those related to the hiring and utilization of human resource. This paper attempts to explore the concept of fit and how this conceptual framework can be integrated well in strategic human resource management in a firm. To begin with, it is vital to explore the two types of fit as expounded in most strategic human resource literatures. As already mentioned, the concept of fit mainly helps in the process of utilizing human resource so that the goals and objectives of an organisation can be achieved. Indeed, this is a fundamental characteristic in strategic human resource management. This implies that an organisation may not achieve its set goals in human resource practices unless the concept of fit is not only understood well but also applied to the letter.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Two major types of fit can be applied in strategic human resour ce practices. Firstly, the horizontal fit is the compatibility and equality in pattern of various human resource management practices (Wei Lau, 2005). On the other hand, a vertical fit applies when human resource practices are aligned alongside with the process of strategic management of firm. In other words, a vertical fit would imply some form of crucial step taken by the human resource function in order to attain the goals and objectives of an organisation. It is attained by initiating certain practices that are congruent with human resource needs of a firm. When the right application of these resources is put in place, a horizontal fit is attained. As can be noted, strategic human resource practices may lack the right design and implementation if the two types of fit are not understood well due to the narrow distinction between them. One of the main factors that have contributed to the little understanding of the concept of fit is the fact that the theoretical background of the concept has not been explored to the letter. If a firm has to remain competitive, it implies that the deployment of human resource management within the confines of fit concept is paramount. When human resource practices are well arranged in a firm, it is highly likely that a firm will experience a positive impact in growth and profitability since human resource is the major driver in the performance of an organisation. Hence, implementation of both types of fit is vital. Some scholars in the field of human resource development argue that the linkage between human resource practices and business strategy alongside the application of the fit concept is relatively weak when compared to the relationship that exist within the human resource practices being exercised within an organisation (Bowen Ostroff, 2004). There are quite a number of human resource practices worth noting when human resource management is being considered under the concept of fit. For instance, the ability of an o rganization to attract and retain employees of high standards is paramount. Besides, the very employees ought to be placed in positions and working criteria that are appropriate as possible.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The design and implementation of sets of ‘strategic’ human resource practices continues to lack coherence and consistency specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Moreover, capacity building and training of employees so that they can deliver as per the expectations of a firm cannot be ignored at all. These ideals may never be implemented in a coherent manner if the concept of fit has not been understood to the letter. Hence, the human resource management practices in place within a firm should be systematic (Chan, Shaffer Snape, 2004). The effectiveness of any human resource management may be lowered substantially if each of the individual human resource practices is not given due attent ion. For instance, an employee who is intrinsically excellent cannot deliver to the expectations of a firm due to inadequate training. Besides, an employee will only be effective if the training background has compatibility with the needs of the organisation. On the same note, the concept of fit; whether of vertical or horizontal type would demand that employees be motivated over and above being trained so that they can feel to be part of the organisation. Employees who are not motivated, be it intrinsically or extrinsically, will perform below their natural potential. As a result, the desire to have strategic human resource management within a firm may just be a mirage and wishful thinking since the concept of fit has not been implemented in the right way. There are motivational theories which when well employed, will result into upward mobility in organizational growth and performance. for example, employees can be motivated through a well defined process of setting goals for the organisation. Studies have revealed that people tend to be motivated to work when there are certain goals to be achieved after a given period of time. This type of motivation is well explained by Locke’s goal setting theory (Osterman, 2000). At this point, it is undisputed that a firm can attain its short, medium and long term goals once they have been set. Nevertheless, it implies that employees will only be motivated when they are part and parcel of goal setting. Moreover, each group member within an organisation should be made to visualize the importance of the goals being set. In most cases, employees will not inject an additional effort if they have no clear idea on how the set goals are going to beneficial, not just to the organisation, they should also derive quantifiable benefits upon achieving the goals.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More A firm should work on myriad of projects that require employees who are motivated, resilient and competent enough. Goal setting as a way of motivating employees comes with its own cost if it is to be successful. Firstly, there are five core principles which human resource management should bear in mind for this theory to be fruitful: the set goals should be clear, challenging, demonstrate high level of task complexity, have a feedback system and also demonstrate commitment (Boxall Purcell, 2011). The congruency of a variety of human resource measures adopted by a firm largely depends on how the vertical fir has been applied. The strategies being pursued by an organisation should be well outlined under the vertical fit. It is against this backdrop that a firm may run into demand for creating a human resource platform that is consistent with its goals and objectives (Lado Wilson, 1994). Hence, the attainment of either the horizontal or vertical fit requires strict adherence to certa in factors. These factors are also known as determinants of fit and are helpful in boosting the performance of a firm. Therefore, the performance of a firm especially in line with strategic management of human resource is dependent on these determinants. First, there are factors that lie within the human resource functions namely the policy governing human resource development within a firm, the various options adopted by a firm when deploying human resource as well as budget allocation for human resource department in addition to investment plan adopted by the firm. It is vital to note that each of these human resource function factors significantly contribute to the overall fitness of a firm. For example, investment plan or budgetary allocation determines how well a firm will run financially. Any slight interference with the investment plan or budgetary needs of a firm will grossly affect the overall performance. The second cluster of the determinants of fit fall under personal fa ctors. It is commonplace for organizations to emphasize other factors that may improve profitability of a firm while at the same time underestimate or completely ignore the relevance of personal factors. One of such factors is the capability of human resource managers to affectively run the affairs of deploying workers. Ability and talent vary from one human resource manager to another. There are common elements which all managers will often posses. However, unique capabilities such as talent is a preserve of the few successful organizations frequently seek to not only hire experts from formal training, they also emphasize the need for talent consideration as part and parcel of improving human resource development. In addition to the abilities portrayed by both top and intermediate managers, employees in the lower levels in a firm should be considered when building a strong workforce. An organisation should make use of skills, knowledge and competences of its employees to the optimu m. Finally, there are firm level factors that significantly contribute to both vertical and horizontal fit. The nature of strategy adopted by a firm is crucial. A well enhanced business strategy will enable a business organisation to have the right direction and be able to know whether the business life is in the right path. In addition, values and cultures embraced by a firm are vital in accelerating growth and is an important component in strategic human resource management. Corporate culture refers to a belief system, a set of attitude that can be shared as well as normalities that are transmitted among the members of an organisation (Wei, 2006). Through the corporate culture, the acceptable conduct of employees is outlined. When an organizational culture is clear, every member is aware of their roles and responsibilities in addition to what they anticipate from the company. Hence, through the corporate culture, the image of the company can be visualized Change management within an organisation is also pertinent as part and parcel of both horizontal and vertical fit. This organizational component is a direct determinant of performance and unless it is strategically handled by human resource managers, business failure will be inevitable. Organisational change and management is a momentous practice that cannot be eluded by managers at any level of an organisational hierarchy. Although change may be resisted at the point of initiation, it is imperative to note that proper assessment of the changes being effected should be done so that optimum benefits are derived. Besides, the sentiments of the group being targeted by a given change should be noted keenly so that the very change is not substantially resisted to an extent that it fails to meet its goals. Organisational change has two important elements worth considering. The first important aspect is the organisational change management that is concerned with drawing people closer to the organisation in terms o f their hearty commitment towards achieving the mission and vision of the organisation (Bjorkman Fan, 2002). On the other hand, organisational design aims at restructuring the entire workforce within an organisation. This requires thorough engagement of human resource experts with the right knowledge. Although the relative importance of organisational change management is sometimes not given the seriousness it deserves, its impact on performance is enormous bearing in mind that the very change can be effected in all areas of operation such as in health and safety. References Bjorkman, I., Fan, X. (2002). Human resource management and the performance of western firms in China. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 13(6): 853-864. Bowen, D.E., Ostroff, C. (2004). Understanding HRM-firm performance linkages: The role of the ‘strength’ of the HRM system. Academy of Management Review, 29 (2), 203-221. Boxall, P Purcell, J. (2011). Strategy and Human Resourc e Management (3rd ed.), London: Palgrave Macmillan. Chan, L.L.M., Shaffer, M.A., Snape, E. (2004). In search of sustained competitive advantage: The impact of organizational culture, competitive strategy and human resource management practices on firm performance. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 15(1): 17-35. Fey, C.F., Bjorkman, I. (2001). The effect of human resource management practices on MNC subsidiary performance in Russia. Journal of International Business Studies, 32(1): 59-75. Lado, A.A., Wilson, M.C. (1994). Human resource systems and sustained competitive advantage: a competency-based perspective. Academy of Management Review, 19(4): 699-727. Osterman, P (2000). Work reorganization in an era of restructuring: trends in diffusion and impacts on employee welfare. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 53(2): 179-196. Wei, L. (2006). Strategic Human Resource Management: Determinants of Fit, Research and Practice in Human Resource Management, 14(2): 49- 60. Wei, L.Q., Lau, C.M. (2005). Market orientation, HRM importance and HRM competency: Determinants of SHRM in Chinese firms. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 16(10): 1901-1918. This essay on The design and implementation of sets of ‘strategic’ human resource practices continues to lack coherence and consistency was written and submitted by user L1ndsey to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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